Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Element Separator: A Clip Art Artist's Best Friend

I create most of my clip art with Photoshop Elements. When I'm creating clip art I usually work on all of the images at the same time. Sometimes I have a couple of collections going all at once. I love the creation process. I can easily lose myself for hours. What I always hated was separating all of the final images, especially if it was a letter/number collection. I like my images to be clipped at the edge so there is no extra space around it. Makes it so much easier to work with.

Well one day while surfing the web I came across what has to be my best purchase EVER! It's called the "Element Separator" by creation Cassell.  Best $6.00 I ever spent. It's an action that separates all of the images for you.
All you have to do is drag the .jsx file on top of the images you want to separate and in a short period of time they are all separated and in a folder on your computer. On a recent letter/number product it took less than 2 minutes to separate over 150 images. What a time saver!

From this
to this!
You do have to change the names after or you can use the ones the file creates. My customers like having the specific names of each image so I usually change mine.

If you have never used an action like this all of the directions are included. They also have a version for Paintshop Pro.

I know there are probably other actions like this out there but I'm using "Element Separator"  and I love it. 

Check out my "Crayon Letters and Numbers" by clicking on the image above.

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